The Higher Knead, Inc

Stretch Massage

Neuromuscular Therapy

NMT is a specific massage technique that brings balance between the muscles, the skeletal system, and the nervous system. Balance within the body is important for maintaining optimum health. Neuromuscular Therapy is one of many approaches that can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Neuromuscular therapy recognizes five factors of physiology can lead to pain in the body and must be addressed by the practicioner. If only one or two areas are addressed, the pain may be eliminated, but the results will be inconsistent and arbitrary. It may return in a few days or a few weeks because one or two of the underlying causes continues to irritate the nervous system. These five factors are:

  1. Ischemia - lack of blood and oxygen caused by muscular hypertonicity (spasm).
  2. Trigger Points - areas of increased metabolic waste deposits which excite segments of the cord and cause referred pain or sensations to other parts of the body.
  3. Nerve Entrapment and/or Compression - pressure on nerves by soft tissue (muscle, tendon, ligament, fascia or skin) or by hard tissue (bone or disk), respectively.
  4. Postural Distortion - when the body's alignment deviates from anatomically correct position in coronal, sagittal or horizontal planes.
  5. Biomechanical Dysfunction - when habitual muscular movement patterns create an imbalance in the musculoskeletal system

Two other important factors to take into account are:

  1. Nutrition - the intake of nutrients necessary for cellular metabolism and the exclusion of nutrients irritating and stimulating to the central nervous system.
  2. Emotional Wellbeing - in a word, stress.

All of these factors, individually and collectively, play a role in stimulation of the central nervous system.
In other words, when abnormal or extensive stimulation comes into the cord, it sets up a cycle of excessive stimulation back out to all the muscles (somatic) and organ (visceral) tissues served by that nerve segment.
As a neuromuscular therapist I work to bring about a natural balance between your muscles, nerves, and skeletal system. Your body will always seek homeostasis (a state of equilibrium) between these systems. However sometimes because of stress, accidents, injuries, or illness the adaptive balance that your body settles into can lead to constantly held muscle tension, postural distortions, and more pain at a latter time. Add to this the fact that your conscious brain will block out constant sensory signals, including the messages your nerves are sending to your brain because of constant tension, and you can see how you can end up with trigger points, ischemia (lack of blood flow), even a nerve entrapment or compression. I often tell people “Today you will discover areas of tension that your brain has been shutting out.” With the release of this tension they are able to leave feeling more relaxed and less stressed than they have in months.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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